Building Energy Rating
A Building Energy Rating (BER) Certificate is a visual representation of how energy efficient a domestic dwelling is. A more energy efficient house will have lower heating costs on paper.
All new houses and apartments need a BER to demonstrate Part L compliance with the Building Regulations
All existing dwellings require a BER prior to sale or rent. There is no pass or fail criteria for an existing house.
However, a BER has very limited value if you are contemplating a serious energy upgrade to your home. This is because a BER is a purely visual survey where no serious attempt is required to be made to identify the significant heat loss mechanisms of the dwelling. There is no meaningful quantitative testing of your home. As a result, for instance, many "B" rated houses actually perform like a "D" or "E" rating in the real world. The opposite is also true where a "D" rated house performs like a "B" rating.
For this reason, we recommend you have our Heat Loss Survey done instead.
We are based in West Cork but travel countrywide.
Carhoo Technical Services
Co. Cork
Tel: 023 8821690
Mob: 087 2320998
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