Air Tightness Testing
For new builds, the latest building regulations require that the dwelling be tested for airtightness, prior to occupation, to ensure compliance. The procedure for testing is
specified in IS EN 13829:2000 “Thermal performance of buildings: determination of air permeability of buildings: fan pressurization method”. The result of the air tightness test is then used by your BER assessor to calculate and generate the BER certificate. We are insured, experienced and competent to carry out the test to the required level. Call us for a quote.
For existing dwellings, we find the blower door an essential tool for determining air leakage weaknesses in the building envelope fabric. This has, in our experience, as much an impact on heat retention properties of a dwelling as insulation detail. So much so that we always include it in our Heat Loss Survey service. It is, indeed, not unusual to have a very well insulated house with poor air tightness leading to high heating bills and occupant discomfort. Call us to discuss your needs.
We are based in West Cork but travel countrywide.
Carhoo Technical Services
Co. Cork
Tel: 023 8821690
Mob: 087 2320998
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